Notification to Authors

Subject : Notification                                                                                                   Lumajang, July 1, 2024


Dear Mr / Mrs. Writer/Participants

Nusantara: Indonesian Journal of Islamic Studies


Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings.

Prosperous greetings accompanied by prayers that you are in good health and always under the protection of Allah.

For the sake of maintaining the quality of the Nusantara publication: Indonesian Journal of Islamic Studies, we hereby present the results of the Nusantara Editorial Team Meeting: held on July 1, 2024 in the Meeting Room of the NUN Media Lumajang decided that articles processed from July 2024 were expected to meet the following conditions:

  1. Submit (handover the article) through online at Online article submission guidelines are listed on the menu: Online Submissions (right).
  2. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) submit articles can be downloaded at Editorial & Publishing System (right).
  3. The Turnitin process is carried out in 2 (two) stages, namely before the article is submitted to the reviewer and before the article is published.
  4. There is a maximum tolerance of 25% of plagiarism articles, based on the results of the Turnitin check. Moreover, articles cannot be processed to the next stage.
  5. Information on article progress only through OJS (Online Journal Page).

Thank you for your willingness.

Editor-in-Chief Nusantara
Nurhafid Ishari
